Jakub Nohavica

A talker by profession writing about communication

why this

In the eternal flow of posts, tweets, newsletters, articles and - of course - blogs, among many many other formats, I’d be honestly flabbergasted were there no one to actually wonder about the sanity and sensibility of someone contemplating putting fingers to keyboard to, er, set up a new blog. Well, here I am.

Insane as I might partially be, I am not a poseur or graphomaniac who feels an insatiable urge to be read or heard. (In fact, I had been putting off writing this post for months, not having the faintest about how to actually begin.) In fact, my aim is to share some ideas, knowledge and experience from a field I have long been involved as well as interested in: speaking.

It is quite justified to assume I am a gasbag, but beside this, I am a firm believer that there is speaking and speaking. Apart from the production of noise, saying, telling and talking may not have that much in...

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